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Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp
HTML5 and CSS3
1 - Introduction (3:35)
2 - Text Editors, Browsers and First Webpage (8:46)
3 - Headers, Paragraphs, Line Breaks and Horizontal Lines (9:57)
4 - Bold, Italic, Comments and Blockquote (7:59)
5 - Lists (11:54)
6 - Links (6:40)
7 - Multiple Webpages and Website Links (17:35)
8 Customized Links (12:11)
9 - Doctype, Namespace, Metadata and Deprecated Tags (16:25)
10 - Images
10 - Images (9:07)
11 - Tables (9:58)
12 - Internal, External and Inline CSS (16:44)
13 - Classes and Ids (8:10)
14 - Divs and Positioning (19:55)
15 - Fonts (10:00)
16 - Text-Align, Margin and Padding (8:37)
17 - Colors (4:57)
18 - Link States (13:19)
19 - Structuring our Website (11:10)
20 - DropList and Textarea (5:55)
21 - Radio Button and Checkbox (8:57)
22 - Forms (10:52)
23 - Embedding Content (7:52)
24 - Bugs, Errors and Debugging (1:49)
25 - IDE and Framework (3:14)
26 - CMS and WYSIWYG (5:19)
27 - Web Hosting and Templates (4:45)
28 - Setting up a Template (6:32)
29 - FrontEnd, BackEnd, Photoshop and Fireworks (2:19)
30 - Different Types of Websites (6:09)
1-intro-javascript (7:58)
2-External-Scripts (4:25)
3-Comments (2:26)
4-Variables (8:06)
5-Data-Types (2:57)
6-Alerts (5:11)
7-Functions (9:05)
8-More-Functions (7:31)
9-Scopes (3:54)
10-Arithmetic-Operators (6:22)
11-Assignment-Operators (4:23)
12-Comparison-Operators (9:44)
13-Logical-Operators (7:03)
14-If-Statement (6:42)
15-Block-Nesting (8:26)
16-Complex-Comparisons (5:19)
17-Else-If-Statement (5:58)
18-Switch-Statement (7:16)
19-Prompt (4:59)
20-For-Loop (6:44)
21-While-Loop (4:03)
22-Arrays (6:59)
23-Array-Values-and-Length (6:41)
24-Array-Properties-and-Methods (6:26)
25-Objects (10:26)
26-Constructor-Functions (14:24)
27-Predefined-Objects (11:11)
28-DOM (8:42)
29-DOM-Nodes (7:56)
30-Insert-Values (9:46)
31-CSS-with-JavaScript (5:03)
32-Event-Handlers (6:49)
33-More-Events (5:49)
34-AddEventListener (5:54)
35-Libraries-and-Frameworks (3:45)
1 - Intro to Bootstrap (6:02)
2 - The Grid (15:10)
3 - Buttons and Icons (13:31)
4 - Form Elements (8:33)
5 - Form Validations (4:25)
6 - Dropdowns (4:43)
7 - Tabs (8:15)
8 - Navbar (13:17)
9 - List Groups (6:41)
10 - Panels (5:16)
11 - Modal Windows (9:42)
12 - Collapse and Carousels (13:51)
13 - Create a Responsive Website (part 1) (16:35)
14 - Create a Responsive Website (part 2) (15:19)
16 - Create a Responsive Website (part 4) (17:18)
15 - Create a Responsive Website (part 3) (16:46)
1 - Intro to Git and Github (2:52)
2 - Installing Git (11:26)
3 - How Git Works (5:49)
4 - Create First Repository (5:27)
5 - What is Github (2:44)
6 - Creating a Github Account (3:26)
Linux Command Line
1 - A Brief History of Linux (3:57)
2 - Linux Distributions (distros) (3:15)
3 - Server Linux vs Desktop Linux (4:05)
4 - VirtualBox and Ubuntu (6:56)
5 - Installing Ubuntu (4:49)
6 - Linux Directory Structure
7 - Exploring Ubuntu (5:42)
8 - Updates and Repositories (5:07)
9 - Linux Commands List
10 - Run Windows Apps in Linux (7:32)
11 - Office Apps (2:41)
1-Intro (3:55)
2-XAMPP install (5:42)
3-My first PHP code (7:09)
4-Escaping Characters (3:13)
5-Error Reporting (4:32)
6-Comments (6:45)
7-Vairables (4:32)
8-Strings (3:17)
9-Numbers (5:31)
10-Constants (3:35)
11-Arrays (6:50)
12-Associative Arrays (3:03)
13-Access Array with Foreach (4:49)
14-Multidimensional Arrays (5:55)
15-Operators (2:08)
16-If Else (9:54)
17-Else If (3:03)
18-For Loop (4:30)
19-While Loop (3:25)
20-Switch (7:12)
21-Creating a Form (12:57)
22-Post, Get, Request (13:58)
23-Handling a Form (10:28)
24-Include-and-Require (8:02)
25-Creating-a-dynamic-website (17:40)
26-Storing-Sections-in-Variables (9:09)
27-Functions (7:45)
28-Variable-Scope (3:12)
29-MySQL-Intro (4:17)
30-Creating-a-Database (12:29)
31-Database-Form (5:46)
32-Database-Connection (9:15)
33-Minimal-Form-Validation (18:36)
34-Inserting-Values-to-Database (14:05)
35-Output-Records-from-Database (10:44)
36-Output-Records-by-Specific-Order (13:52)
37-Login-Script (20:12)
38-Security-Functions (3:27)
39-Update-records-from-database (34:06)
40-Delete-Records-from-Database (17:13)
41-Passing-Values-Through-URL (28:01)
42-Delete-User-from-Database (15:44)
43-Edit-User-Passing-Values-Through-URL (14:03)
44-Reorganizing-the-Code (14:53)
45-Pagination (24:02)
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6 - Linux Directory Structure
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